Bird Control Services
Have you ever looked across a snowy winter landscape and seen a striking red cardinal amidst all the white? Have you ever gently woken to the melodies of songbirds outside your window? Perhaps you have enjoyed watching winged visitors splash about in your yard’s birdbath or marvelled at a hummingbird darting to and fro around a feeder.
There is no doubt that birds can be a marvellous addition to your environment. They can bring sweet sounds associated with summer mornings or add a needed splash of colour to your yard. But as lovely as some avian visitors might be, some can only be described as pests. Songbirds cannot be enjoyed when they are interrupted by the calls of grackles—calls that resemble the squeal of a rusty gate as much as anything else. And while pigeons may have fans, many happily refer to them as “flying rats.”
Even those birds that you might normally have no issue with can pose problems and make themselves unwelcome by causing damage to structures and spreading disease. This is where bird control comes in.
Potential Bird Issues From Excessive bird dropings:
- Slippery when wet – slipping hazard
- Powery when dry – respiratory issues
- Carry harmful bacteria
- Unsightly mess
Birds themselves may carry ticks and fleas
What Types of Birds Can Turn into A Nuisance?
There are several birds that can be considered nuisances. Some of them might come to mind immediately, while others might seem totally innocuous at first.
Why Do We Need Bird Control?
Many people will tell you to stay away from pigeons, for fear of contracting some disease, but it is not only pigeons and their droppings that can pose a danger to your health.
Chances are pretty good that you have come across a birds nest at some point in your life, and perhaps you even found it interesting to watch as young ones are born, grow, and eventually leave the nest. Unfortunately, bird nests can cause several issues.
Health Risks From Bird Droppings
Birds and their droppings carry pathogens that are harmful to humans. Dried droppings, for example, carry a fungus called histoplasmosis that can result in respiratory disease. Salmonella is another common disease in bird droppings, and their feces can corrode concrete and even metal.
Birds Nests Can Be Fire Hazard
Additionally, bird nests can become a fire hazard, and birds might enlarge existing holes and cracks to build their home. Materials from their nests, such as feathers and other debris can clog your drains and gutters, leading to additional problems with your roof and foundation. Some birds might even build their nest in your dryer vent. This will restrict airflow and cause lint buildup, contributing to the $35 million in damages caused by dryer fires every year.
Proximity Of Birds Nests Bring Other Pests
These are reason enough to discourage birds from nesting around your home, but birds will often bring other pests with them, such as ticks and fleas. These secondary pests can find their way into your home, causing further damage, and putting the health of your family at risk.
All these issues can apply to businesses as well, but businesses also contend with spending thousands of dollars each year on cleanup to avoid accident liability and to remain compliant with health regulations.
How Can I Deter Birds From Nesting?
To avoid problems with nuisance birds, you must make your home or business unattractive to them. Birds are always on the lookout for places to nest and food to eat, but you do have some means of discouraging them from your property:
Restrict access to garbage
You will want to ensure that your garbage is secure, as birds will happily dig through it if given the opportunity. Dumpsters should be locked up, and garbage cans sealed securely or kept inside if possible.
Restrict access to food
Birds will happily come to sample any food that is left out. This might be pet food at your home, or unsecured garbage near your business. Having any type of food available is a sure-fire way to attract birds.
Prevent Acess To Shelter
Repair cracks, fill holes and cover vents. Whether they are on the roof or elsewhere, openings such as cracks, holes, and vents are very inviting for birds. Make sure they are repaired and sealed.
Deter Bird Nesting Sites
Use bird deterrents such as spikes or electronic measures. These can keep birds away without causing them lasting harm.
What is Bird Control?
A professional bird control service can help plan and implement a method to deter, remove and dissuade the return of nuisance birds on your property, without exposing you or others to potential health risks.
When dealing with nuisance birds, calling for professional bird control help is always the wisest choice. We have the right equipment for heights and scaling building to get the job done correctly and safely.
We offer a range of bird control services for commercial and residential property owners. We know that you want to be able to enjoy your property without worrying about the damage birds can do, and we have you covered.
What Bird control options are available?
- Bird netting for commercial properties and residential homes
- Anti-roosting spikes for ground-level roosts
- Bird spikes for roofs and ledges
- Bird-repellant products
- Bird deterrent systems like ultrasonic sound devices
We offer comprehensive, customizable solutions for all types of bird problems. If you have pigeons, starlings, sparrows, or any other kind of pest bird issue, look no further than Solutions Pest Control.
Top 3 Benefits Of Our Bird Control Services
We know that if you are a commercial or residential property owner, you don’t want to be worry about the safety of your employees, tenants, or your guests. That is why we offer bird control services that solve problems and provide value.
Prevent property damage – Birds can cause significant damage to buildings, vehicles, and other structures on your property. They may leave droppings behind or build nests that are unsightly or hazardous. Our bird control services can help prevent this type of damage by keeping birds away from these areas.
Minimize health risks – Birds can carry a host of diseases that can be transmitted to humans, including salmonella and toxoplasmosis. They also leave behind waste and feathers that can cause allergies in people with sensitive skin. Our bird control services can help protect you and your family from the health risks associated with bird infestations.
Reduce noise pollution – One of the main reasons why people choose our bird control services is to reduce noise pollution in their homes or businesses. Birds can be very loud and annoying, especially during their migration season or when they are building nests on roofs or other places where they are not welcome.
Whether it is preventing birds from roosting on your building, keeping them out of your garbage area, or protecting your property from damage, our team can help! With our bird control services, you will be able to rest easy knowing that your building is protected from avian intruders.
Solutions To Your Pest Control Issues
Our team is ready to solve your pest issues, call Solutions Pest Control today!
Or Schedule a Service Call Now!
Bird Control FAQ’s
What are the signs of a bird problem?
A visual inspection of the property will tell you if you have a problem or not. Birds will leave droppings everywhere they go, and they’ll also
leave feathers and nesting material.
You may also hear them flying around in the ceiling or walls. Look above doorways or entry points to see if there are droppings above those areas.
Birds roost in those areas and are protected from predators.
What are some of the areas where birds can create problems?
Birds can create problems for your business or home. They can get into all sorts of places, and they are messy creatures, so their presence can often lead to a host of issues related to cleanliness and maintenance.
The roof. Birds like to nest in the eaves of roofs, which creates problems because it allows them to access the attic. From there, they can get into your walls, causing damage to your property that requires costly repairs.
Your gutters. When birds build nests in your gutters, they block them and make it difficult for water to drain properly. This can cause damage to your roof as well as other parts of your property.
The yard. Birds like to roost on trees and bushes, which means that they’ll leave droppings all over your property. These bird droppings are acidic and will eat away at anything they land on—including cars!
How long will the birds stay if we don’t do anything?
The answer to this question depends on several factors. This is a complicated process, but here are the key factors:
The type of bird that’s causing your problem. Birds tend to stay put for a few months after the nesting season is over.
That’s because they’re not as concerned about predators, and the thought of going somewhere new doesn’t make them want to move. The exception is if
there’s some sort of natural disaster (e.g., fire or snow) that forces them out of their homes.
The weather. If it’s unusually cold or wet, birds will stay around until the weather warms up again, even if they don’t have another source of food and shelter in their current location. That can lead to some particularly stubborn cases, such as pigeons nesting in attics when the weather turns warm.
Predators. If there are no other natural predators in their area, birds can stay for an extended period of time. They usually leave relatively quickly once a predator appears—like a cat or a raccoon—and scares them off.
How do I get rid of roosting birds?
There are a variety of humane and environmentally safe ways to control bird populations on your property, including:
Hazing. This process involves using loud noises, bright lights, and other deterrents to make the birds feel unwelcome. The most
effective way to haze a bird is to catch it in the act of landing or roosting and startle it away before it establishes a pattern. Hazing
generally works for small groups of birds that are just starting to roost in an area.
Trapping. Trapping birds is one of the most common ways to reduce their numbers around your home or business. There are two types of traps: live capture and lethal traps. Live capture traps are designed to hold the bird without injuring it until it can be released elsewhere.
Lethal traps should only be used by professionals in areas where killing birds is legal.
Exclusion. In many cases, the best way to keep birds away from your property is to make it difficult for them to get inside in the first place. By installing physical barriers like netting, electric wires, andanti-roosting spikes, you can exclude many species of bird from
entering your home or business.
Can You Install Bird Spikes on My property?
Yes, if this is the best way to rid your property of birds. We will help develop a bird control plan that works. Speak to us about bird spikes now!
Will the birds come back once they’ve been removed?
Not if we do our job right! Our bird control services are meant to be long lasting and effective, so you don’t have to worry about pesky
pigeons, woodpeckers, or other unwanted winged visitors in the future.
After our bird control specialists clear out a nest or make your yard less attractive to birds, the local population of birds will find
somewhere else that’s more hospitable.
Reclaim your space with our bird control services!
Bird Control Services
Have you ever looked across a snowy winter landscape and seen a striking red cardinal amidst all the white? Have you ever gently woken to the melodies of songbirds outside your window? Perhaps you have enjoyed watching winged visitors splash about in your yard’s birdbath or marvelled at a hummingbird darting to and fro around a feeder.
There is no doubt that birds can be a marvellous addition to your environment. They can bring sweet sounds associated with summer mornings or add a needed splash of colour to your yard. But as lovely as some avian visitors might be, some can only be described as pests. Songbirds cannot be enjoyed when they are interrupted by the calls of grackles—calls that resemble the squeal of a rusty gate as much as anything else. And while pigeons may have fans, many happily refer to them as “flying rats.”
Even those birds that you might normally have no issue with can pose problems and make themselves unwelcome by causing damage to structures and spreading disease. This is where bird control comes in.
- Potential Bird Issues:
- Excessive bird dropings:
- slippery when wet – slipping hazard
- powery when dry – respiratory issues
- carry harmful bacteria
- unsightly mess
Birds themselves may carry ticks and fleas
Types of Nuisance Bird
There are several birds that can be considered nuisances. Some of them might come to mind immediately, while others might seem totally innocuous at first.
Why Do We Need Bird Control?
Many people will tell you to stay away from pigeons, for fear of contracting some disease, but it is not only pigeons and their droppings that can pose a danger to your health.
Chances are pretty good that you have come across a birds nest at some point in your life, and perhaps you even found it interesting to watch as young ones are born, grow, and eventually leave the nest. Unfortunately, bird nests can cause several issues.
All these issues can apply to businesses as well, but businesses also contend with spending thousands of dollars each year on cleanup to avoid accident liability and to remain compliant with health regulations.
Deterring Birds
To avoid problems with nuisance birds, you must make your home or business unattractive to them. Birds are always on the lookout for places to nest and food to eat, but you do have some means of discouraging them from your property:
Bird Control Services
When dealing with nuisance birds, calling for professional help is always the wisest choice. A professional service will know the best means or removing and dissuading the return of nuisance birds, without exposing you or others to potential health risks.
Solutions To Your Pest Control Issues
Our team is ready to solve your pest issues, call Solutions Pest Control today!
Or Schedule a Service Call Now!
Pest Control Services For Businesses And Homes
We offer a variety of local pest control services like monthly pest control services can effectively assist your property needs every month for your business or strata building. Rats can be hard to get rid.
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Our clients are our #1 priority. At Solutions Pest Control, we will work with you to create a customized plan that is tailored to your specific needs. We know that every customer has different needs and goals, and we take the time to find out what those are before we begin any work.
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